Many of our documents, records, photos and other items have been in special climate-controlled storage for sometime due to our extensive traveling ~ and only recently has the weather begun breaking sufficiently enough that we have been able to begin the safe retrieval of them.
The Fetters Family English Setter histories have been meticulously kept for five generations now ~ and are as massive in size and content as they are meticulous and inclusive ~ and only John can satisfactorily direct the organization of these documents, records and photos for publishing ~ and orchestrate the telling of this also-amazing saga of a family consistently and famously dedicated to the breeding, raising, training and hunting of this wonderful gun dog.
Few if any of today's English Setter owners and/or breeders have the long history in this on-going endeavor and dedication to the breed found in John's family tree ~ and we hope a number of our readers will find it a compelling saga as well as intriguing.
In the meantime, your patience is greatly appreciated. Check our "Fetters Setters ~ Classic Style English Setters ~ Home Page (found by clicking here) for timely updates whenever anything new is added to our main pages.
As with all good things, we sincerely hope you will find the future contents of the "Fetters Setters ~ History and Heritage" page well worth the wait.